Monday, May 16, 2011


I am thrilled to announce Not Your Average Cookie will be involved in Passion for Fashion 2011!

Come out and join in the fun.

Sat, May 28th, 7-10pm, Johnny Rocco's St.Catharines

Fashion Show

Manicure Bars


Great Swag Bags for everyone!

**All proceeds from the Ticket Sales go to Gillian's Place**

Hurry buy your tickets today before they sell out-Call 289-362-4557

Not Your Average Cookie will be giving away Designer Cookies in each Swag Bag


we will also be selling "Designer Label Cupcakes" at the event as well

Get your friends together and come out for a great night & support a greater cause!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Updated Handmade Market Show Info

Hello All,

I am posting this with much sadness. I unfortunately won't be attending this Springs Handmade Market. I was trying my very hardest to have things ready for the show but sadly I have to pull out. I have alot going on at the moment.

However I am taking orders as I will be baking regardless but in order for me to be properly prepared for the show I would have needed more time than I have at the moment. Life has been busy both business and personal.

Please go out and support the Show. The more support the Handmade Market has the better!
I look forward to being apart of the next show.

I will keep you all posted as too when we will be holding the next show.

For those of you who do attend the show look for Not Your Average Cookie in the auction prizes!

Happy Spring shopping at the Show!!

Support the Handmade Market this coming Mother's Day weekend both Saturday & Sunday 11am-5pm at the Good Food & Wine Co. in Beamsville

Great Food & Great Shopping